On behalf of the Lyme Old Lyme Soccer Club, we would like to thank you for your interest in our soccer program. We are a group of volunteers dedicated to providing your children with an enjoyable soccer experience and the opportunity for each player to reach their own potential.
We feel it's important for all parents to have a clear understanding of the commitment involved, both from a time and financial perspective, and our expectations for our coaches, parents and volunteers.
The following information will help to give you a clear understanding of the LOLSC soccer program.
Important time frames
Registration for the Fall Season is online, opens early April and will be accepted until early May. Players not registered by the deadline will not be included in evaluations and will be placed on a wait list. In addition, a late fee will be applied to those accepted off the wait list.
The Soccer Skills Evaluations are typically scheduled in June at Town Woods. Times and important details will be posted on the website homepage. All registered LOLSC players are strongly encouraged to attend of the evaluations in order to help our volunteers with placements on fall teams. LOLSC will also post more details of evaluation times on our website and via an additional club-wide email communication.
Practices will generally begin the last week of August and the Fall outdoor season officially begins the weekend after Labor Day. The season will normally end by the second week of November.
Most players also take part in the Winter indoor soccer league which is held at Wide World of Indoor Sports in Montville. Session One runs November through the end of January, Session two February through the end of March. In lieu of Session two, LOLSC began offering Futsal in March/April.
We also offer an outdoor Spring league. Registration is in March, practices begin at the end of April and games are scheduled in May and early June.
What is the time commitment?
For the Fall season, your child will have two 60 or 90 minute practices at Town Woods Park each week. Once middle school soccer practice/games commence, our U14 teams may only practice once a week. In addition, there will be one game per weekend unless there is a tournament or a make-up game. We play four home at Town Woods Park and four district away games each fall outdoor season.
The LOLSC Board of Directors also encourages each coach and team to participate in one of the many regional fall soccer tournaments. This is, however, optional. Entry and participation is at the discretion of each Coach/Team and the costs are paid by participants.
The LOLSC in conjunction with our training partner and Parks and Rec may offer summer Soccer camps and clinics. Specific times and dates to be announced and posted on our website and communicated via club wide email.
What are the costs involved and is there financial aid available?
The approximate fee breakdown is as follows:
- Fall outdoor soccer Registration - $175.00, $75- late fee once registration has closed.
- Uniforms: approximately $70.00 (Not every year). Starting U10 players will have to purchase uniforms for the fall season.
- In addition, all players are required to have shin guards, cleats and an appropriate sized soccer ball (Size 4 for U10-U12, size 5 for U14).
- Optional Spring and Summer Clinics- approx. $120/clinic
- Optional tournament fees additional
Winter indoor soccer fees are approximately $100.00 per session depending on the venue the coach selects.
Futsal soccer registration is approximately $100.00 per player.
Spring soccer registration is approximately $50.00 per player.
Financial aid is available. Please contact any LOLSC board member and your questions will be answered in complete confidence.
When are payments due?
Payments for the fall outdoor season are due at the time you register your child online.
Past due balances must be settled prior to the start of the season. Players with an outstanding balance will not be allowed to evaluate. Please contact LOLSC if you have financial concerns.
What documents are required?
In addition to the registration, player photo and medical release form (part of the online Registration form), a copy of your child's birth certificate will be required for new players. Photos and birth certificates can be uploaded with the online registration form.
What team will my child play for?
The teams are based on the age/birth year of your child. View our age group matrix
Can my child play Premier and/or Middle School and Club Soccer?
Yes, LOLSC supports development for all children and does not restrict players from playing for other teams. Most of our Club players are playing for the LOLMS Team.
How are coaches selected?
Volunteer coaches must register on-line with LOLSC. Each head coach is appointed at the discretion of the LOLSC Board of Directors. Coaches must subscribe to LOLSC philosophy and policies. All coaches registered with the LOLSC and CJSA are required to submit to a background check and pass the online Concussion and Safe Sport training courses.
How much will my child play?
The protocol for playing is as follows:
- LOLSC protocol is such that whenever possible our players are granted equal playing time assuming a roster size of 12 to 16 for 7v7 and 9v9 and 16 to 20 for 11v11.
- The effort and attitude displayed in practice and games can have a positive or negative impact on playing time.
How many children will be on each team?
There are guidelines that the club follows with regards to roster sizes.
- Ideally teams playing 7v7 and 9v9 (U10 – U12 RecPlus) will have 12 to 16 players.
- Ideally teams playing 11v11 (U14 Classic and RecPlus) will have 16 to 20 players.
The LOLSC BOD may from time to time allow for exceptions to the above roster sizes.
How are teams classified?
The LOLSC is affiliated with SECJSA (Southeast Connecticut Junior Soccer Association). LOLSC typically fields teams in three age groups: U10, U12 and U14. In order to allow teams to compete in a level manner vs teams of their own age and skill level teams are classified into two subsets: Bronze (also known as B or RecPlus) and Silver (also known as A or Classic). Your child's team will play other clubs that use the same classification.
- The LOLSC provides a professionally run and impartial evaluation package in the summer to classify each player at the appropriate and similar skill level prior to the fall outdoor soccer season.
- All LOLSC players are expected to attend the formal player evaluations and will be placed on a team based on current evaluation.
- Parents will not have input as to which team their child plays for. All players must remain in and play within the division at which the player evaluated in.
- With each indoor soccer session, please be aware that team placement may be adjusted/changed from the fall outdoor team due to overall indoor roster numbers and in order to maintain an appropriate level of competitiveness. The LOLSC is committed to creating a fair, equitable and competitive soccer experience for all players and coaches.
How will we receive club/team communication during the season?
Each team head coach is responsible for all communication as it relates to his or her team and should have the assistance of a team manager and assistant coach. Please volunteer for these positions if you would like to be involved with helping the team.
In addition, information pertinent to the LOLSC will be posted on our website and will be sent out via club-wide email.
What does the LOLSC expect from our parents?
The LOLSC is run entirely by volunteers. There are many things that must occur in order for your children to have the opportunity to play soccer. Please consider volunteering. If interested, please contact any board member.
The LOLSC and SECJSA expect the highest standard of sportsmanship from all LOLSC coaches, players, parents and club officers.
We also ask that you notify your coach if you expect regular conflicts with practice or games. Some examples include children playing premier or other sports.
If you are asked to assist with coaching duties, you must register with LOLSC. Volunteers may not assist with on-field activities without having completed the volunteer registration, background check and online concussion and safe sport training courses.
Players and parents are encouraged to read the Parent/Player Expectations.
The LOLSC values the opinions of our parents and would like to hear from you. Please feel free to email any questions to your LOLSC Board of Directors (for additional info please read the "Contacts" section).
Summary of LOLSC services and training initiatives:
- Professionally run evaluation package powered by our training partner.
- Weekly training during our seasons.
- Professionally run summer soccer clinics/camps.
- 2 fall outdoor practices a week at Town Woods Park.
- 4 home games at Town Woods Park and 4 district away games.
- Resident trainers dedicated to our club. The trainers will work with our players and coaches during practice and games.
- Professional coaching clinics for LOLSC coaches through CJSA.
- A positive experience in a quality organization for you and your child.
Helpful Links
- Southeast Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (SECJSA): SECJSA.org
- Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA): CJSA.org
Key Contacts
Your team's head coach will provide all team specific information and
contacts once the season begins. Your coach will also be your main
point of contact for all team related questions.
Parents concerned about the treatment of their child should address their head coach directly in a professional and courteous manner. Please follow the "24 hour rule." If there is not a satisfactory resolution within 24 hours, a meeting can then be set up with a LOLSC club officer.
Contact information for the LOLSC Board of Directors is listed on the LOLSC web site email us at [email protected].
Registration Checklist
Registration for the Fall Season is ONLINE, opens early April and closes early May.
Fee for the Fall is $175 per player.
Registration includes:
- Completed registration form online
- Coach registration (if interested in volunteering)
- Birth certificate - upload online (new players only)
- License-size photo of player - upload online
Please see the LOLSC home page for June evaluation times and important details on what to wear and bring.
LOLSC Policy for Players Playing on Premier and Developmental Teams
LOLSC supports and encourages players who want to challenge themselves to play on one of the Developmental or Premier teams. There are many strong programs throughout the state to consider. We typically have LOLSC players involved in 3 or 4 different programs with the Southeast Premier program being the closest to Lyme-Old Lyme. LOLSC players who also play on Developmental or Premier teams should inform their LOLSC coach and let the coach know about any LOLSC games or practices that will be missed due to schedule conflicts. Developmental and Premier training and games take priority over LOLSC activities during the Fall Soccer Season.
Field Locations
Please see SECJSA.org.
Late Registration Policy
LOLSC makes every effort to help kids play on a team. Our early deadlines are due to the complications of getting birth certificates from parents to age verify players, getting photos from parents for player cards, background checks on volunteers, creating competitive teams, rostering the teams with the CT Junior Soccer Association, creating practice and team schedules all so the kids can play. Please note, while we make efforts to help kids play, it is the PARENTS' responsibility to keep our deadlines. We do cut off registrations when our teams are rostered. Please respect that it is not possible to make additions to teams at that time, thank you!
Refund Policy
100% of registration fees refundable prior to close of registration, 50% of fees refunded between close of registration and first practice. No refund after first practice. Late fees including $50 late fee for fall outdoor season not refundable.