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26 Town Woods Rd
Old Lyme, CT


Coming from I-95 (North or South):

  • Take exit 71 off I-95. Turn right at the end of the ramp onto Four Mile River Road.
  • Follow Four Mile River Road for approximately 1.5 miles. At end of the road, turn left onto US-1 S.
  • Follow US-1 S for approximately 2 miles, then turn right onto Town Woods Road.
  • Follow Town Woods Road straight for approximately a quarter mile (through one stop sign) and the Town Woods Park entrance is on the left.

Field 1 is the first field on the left.
Fields 2b and 2a are the first on the right.
Fields 3a and 3b are the furthest on the right.

Policy for Scheduling and Rules for Field Usage at Town Woods Park

Lyme and Old Lyme Parks and Recreation Commissions

Teams and/or organizations that do not follow this procedure may not be granted access of the TW Park field(s).

Order of Priority of Use by Organizations of Lyme and Old Lyme

  1. LOL Parks and Recreation Department teams and events.
  2. LOL Sports Clubs teams and events (Soccer,LAX etc.).
  3. Regional 18 District #18 teams and events.
  4. Other organizations from the Towns of Lyme and Old Lyme.
  5. Residents of Lyme and Old Lyme and their friends anytime fields are available.

Lining of Sports Fields

LOL Parks and Recreation (Towns of Lyme and Old Lyme) will provide lining of the fields by the contracted professional landscaping company during the Spring Lacrosse and Fall Soccer seasons. Field lining for activities outside of these seasons and during the summer is the responsibility of the organization requesting field usage and will be scheduled and contracted by the OL P&R Director. Lining of the field(s) will be done by the contracted professional landscaping company at the expense of the organization requesting field usage.

Prohibitions and Restrictions at Town Woods Park

  1. Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages or unauthorized controlled substances.
  2. Illegal activities.
  3. Vendors (except community based groups for charitable/and or fund raising purposes approved by the P&R Director, OL).
  4. Littering
  5. Parking on grass
  6. Golf
  7. Posting of signs
  8. Dogs and other pets
  9. Smoking in the Field House

Note: Violations may justify a permanent ban on use of the park or prosecution by the law.


  1. All teams, groups, etc. much designate an adult responsible for the overall supervision of the group. Supervision is from the time group arrives until the last member of the group has left the premises. Supervision includes following the rules of the park and cleaning up any items left by the group and disposing them in a proper manner.
  2. At the request of the OL P&R Director, uniformed police officers or other paid security agents may be required at the users' expense for all activities where the probable number of people seems great enough to present a public safety, welfare, traffic, or crowd-control situation.


  1. Those groups or individuals applying for use of the Town Woods Park facility assumes all responsibility and liability for any injury to persons and for injury to, or loss of Lyme and Old Lyme Towns property in connection to use of the Town Woods Park facility.The applicant must not hold the towns of Lyme and Old Lyme liable for any such loss or damages.
  2. Each organization using Town Woods Park facilities must have group insurance for personal liability coverage for negligent acts as tenets. Proof of insurance and type and amount of liability insurance must be provided to the P&R Director, OL prior to receiving permission to use Town Woods Park facilities.


P.O. Box 705 
Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371

Email: [email protected]

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